How To Train Your Dog To Be Obedient

We love dogs and treat them like our kids, but sometimes we miss the way of raise them up properly. Again, it’s a mistake that we could have done it, or we do with our kids. Take the relationship with your dog as a relationship with your child. What you need to know is that this friendship will succeed if […] Continue Reading

Training Your Dog To Use The Right Place For Toilet

Toilet training can be frustrating and challenging, that is true. There are different dogs, with different characters; some will listen to you and learn fast, others will kill you with stubbornness or they will forget what you have taught them. You must stay calm and persistent, and you should not punish your dog when he makes a mistake. Whether you […] Continue Reading

Dogs as picky eaters; what can you do?

Besides diets that are recommended for a dog, many owners decide to give their dogs the same food that they eat. This is not dangerous as long as the food is healthy and does not harm the organism of your pet. But there are cases in which people make mistakes in this regard. At first, they only feed their dog […] Continue Reading

General Rules on Dog Training

“The greatest fear dogs know is the fear that you will not come back when you go out the door without them.” – Stanley Coren Dogs can be named as man’s best friends, smartest animals, owners of our hearts, home keepers… We can add to these “definitions” whatever we want. But, first of all, we must understand that as much […] Continue Reading

How to Reward Your Dog

It is inaccurate to think that the only way to reward your canine is with biscuits and treats. It is a proven training method but to develop a strong bond with your dog, great variety is required. We review the methods of praise that can really inspire your pet… Attention All dogs love it; so much so they lap it […] Continue Reading

Dogs R’ us

Stopping your canine eating poo! One major embarrassing behaviour that inflicts many dog owners is the sight of your furry friend tucking into another dogs passing. It can be fairly humiliating for an owner and that does not even touch on the hygiene side of the behaviour. We review the key steps to stop your dog from indulging in the […] Continue Reading

Can Dogs really understand us?

Your furry canine can often give the impression of being the best listener in the world. Sitting attentively as you spill your heart with nowhere else they would rather be… We take a look at just how true to reality this really is and the extent to which dogs interpret humans. Research has shown that dogs have the ability to […] Continue Reading

Understanding your dog

It is incredible how dogs communicate with us, it is even more remarkable how few of us understand what they are telling us. Taking the time to learn what your dog is saying can improve the quality of your relationship and the mental health of your canine. A bark is not just a bark… You can learn a lot from […] Continue Reading

The Changing World of Dog Training

The landscape of dog training has changed significantly in recent years. We previously reviewed the latest techniques but it is useful to understand what has brought such significant change after many years of the same old. We take some time out to investigate… Knowledge Just as our ancestors thought the world was square, may dog training techniques remained the same […] Continue Reading

Top tips for ongoing training

It is a real temptation for dog owners to rest on their laurels once the initial training skills have been implemented. To avoid bad behaviour down the line, we have detailed important ongoing training tips: Reinforcement Once a skill has been learned, the dog or puppy must be continually tested to ensure full retention and obedience. For many skills, this […] Continue Reading

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie… Or Not

A quick internet search will reveal some incredible household locations that your canine will snooze. From under the fire, in your bed or even on top of high surfaces, there is no where they won’t try and make their own. It may seem like a comical topic but there are serious training and behaviour repercussions to dog sleeping patterns. One […] Continue Reading

Top Tips to Avoid When Training a Puppy

It is incredible how many dog owners continue to introduce bad practices when training their pet. It not only slows the process but can leave lasting behaviour problems. We review the most common mistakes during training: Over use of treats As the term suggests that should be used sparingly and as a reward, not provided regularly simply for looking cute. […] Continue Reading

The Importance of Authority

No matter the breed of a canine, ensuring discipline from an early age is essential. It helps install valuable behaviours that will allow the dog to fit in with your family and society at large. In essence, they are like children and need sufficient development via strong commands to establish ground rules. This can often take the form of hand […] Continue Reading

Disobedience and your Dog…

One of the most delicate issues to deal with as a dog owner is bad behaviour. Many owners hate the thought of shouting or locking the dog away as they scratch for freedom. It is however an extremely necessary task. By disciplining your pet, it highlights appropriate behaviour and allows you to act as a pack leader. In the animal […] Continue Reading

Dealing with Dog ‘Home Alone’ Anxiety Complex

It is estimated that three in five dogs suffer severe anxiety when you leave them alone in the house. It is a startling statistic and demonstrates the extent to which dogs are highly social animals. If your pet suffers with being left alone, there are a number of training techniques to help deal with the problem. Firstly, always ensure to […] Continue Reading