K9 Consulting Dog Training

The nitty gritty of making the most out of your canine always starts from the home. Here at K9 Consulting we aim to enhance and advise how the lifestyle of your dog can benefit from professional training. This is always best from an early age since any bad habits will be uprooted and eliminated from a young age. Also available and on offer for the more experienced and advanced dog handlers are our higher level dog training courses. Fully licenced, fully insured and fully trained – our dog trainers are sought after experts in the field…


Training for Puppies – Big and Small!

The most common form of training is for puppies and we offer unique services including:

  • Toilet Training
  • Chewing Behaviour
  • Dog Sitting and Responding
  • Walking on the Lead
  • Socialising with Other Dogs
  • Barking Control

Many of the above can also be used on adult dogs so don’t hesitate to seek our advice or initial consultation. Install good behaviours into your pet from a young age and reap the benefits in future years. Dealing with puppies is a challenging experience; we are fully trained and fully qualified with all the relevant insurance. Our urban training techniques are perfect for all forms of dog training.

Adult Dog Training

It is not only small puppies that require training but mature canines too. We are at hand to assist and provide training for all dogs:

  • Gun Dog Training
  • Pulling on the Lead
  • Obedience
  • Guard Dog
  • Barking Control

Dogs experience issues throughout their lives so it makes sense to continue training throughout their adulthood. No matter the level of problem we can help make your mature K9 completely obedient. All of our coaching techniques are designed to stimulate and allow the dog to enjoy the learning experience.
Some say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks… Well here at K9 consulting we believe we can!

Serious Dog Training

It is not uncommon for dogs to be aggressive around other dogs and even people. This should not be ignored for the benefit and safety of all. We treat each case differently because there is always clear reasoning behind behaviour. This also includes excessive barking and destruction of your home. During our initial consultation, we can help identify exactly what you’re canine needs and the best training to get them there. Your dog needs help and we ensure stress free and simple training to transform your pet for the better.

Dog Agility

There are certain dog breeds such as Spaniels and Collies that can literally run all day long and never show signs of settling down. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to resolve this and we can help. Dog agility classes are a great solution to the supercharged, yet intelligent dog. Our classes stimulate the mind and body and are a healthy energy release. They are also a great place to meet other owners and share issues. We run regular classes in your area so why not contact us for more information.

Bespoke Requirements and Individual Requirements

Sometimes stimulating a lively dog takes more than the standard classes. We can offer one to one agility city dog training. A quick consulting can be very insightful so be patient with your dog and trainer.
Our home visits can be worked around your busy schedule and if you would like to suggest somewhere local to train, we are happy to oblige. We would prefer not to train in areas with dangerous underfoot conditions such as broken glass or damaged manholes.

Encouraging the Instinct

Another useful exercise for lively spaniels or Labradors in particular is gun dog training. It does not involve the hunting of any animal but develops different skills including the use of their noses. It is becoming increasingly popular among dog owners.


1 hour Introductory Consultation
1 hour Private Session
45 min Group Session
1 hour Group Session
10 Session Pre-Booking

Practical Advice
Always encourage good behaviour of your dog by positive reinforcements.K9 Consulting Tips