Dogs R’ us

Stopping your canine eating poo! One major embarrassing behaviour that inflicts many dog owners is the sight of your furry friend tucking into another dogs passing. It can be fairly humiliating for an owner and that does not even touch on the hygiene side of the behaviour. We review the key steps to stop your dog from indulging in the […] Continue Reading

How to keep your canine mentally stimulated

One of the hardest things for any dog owner to do is maintain a stimulated lifestyle for their pet. Little things can go a long way to ensuring good health; we take a look at the key elements to try at home: Varied walks Your dog does not just look where they are going on a daily walk but smell […] Continue Reading

The Truth about Canine Emotions

Scientists and dog lovers alike have long debated the extent of dog emotions. It is an interesting debate and recent research has suggested that dogs have a similar emotional state to that of a two year old. This is interesting on a number of levels, namely that infants of this age do not have a fully established range of emotions, […] Continue Reading

If you think you’re bad…

Most dog owners will from time to time cross the line between caring and obsessing about their canine. It is human nature in much the same we worry about family members, home security and money. Recent research has uncovered a number of extreme practices that are simply going too far: The Dog Phone As technology has moved forward so has […] Continue Reading

Top tips to train an overly energetic pup…

It can sometime seem that young dogs have endless amounts of energy and want to play, destroy and generally run riot 24/7. We have compiled a list of successful tips to keep you sane and train that cute puppy. Routine Dogs are just like people, they feel comfortable getting up at the same time, eating at the usual and heading […] Continue Reading

Stimulating Your K9

Dogs and children have a lot in common… One of the biggest challenges is to keep your dog amused. A bored dog is a destructive dog and you will often find chewed slippers, scratched doors and severed carpets. So what are the best ways to keep them entertained even when you are not there? Treat Balls Dogs love a challenge, […] Continue Reading

Understanding Your Dog

There are a number of ways to communicate with your dog, some simpler than others. We have reviewed a number of ideas to get in touch with your dog and listed them below: Listen to the bark Your canine will primarily talk to you via their bark. Different tones highlight their mood. For example short and varied barking often means […] Continue Reading