Dogs R’ us

Stopping your canine eating poo! One major embarrassing behaviour that inflicts many dog owners is the sight of your furry friend tucking into another dogs passing. It can be fairly humiliating for an owner and that does not even touch on the hygiene side of the behaviour. We review the key steps to stop your dog from indulging in the […] Continue Reading

What breed is best for me?

If you are currently searching for a new dog, it can be difficult to strike a balance between your lifestyle and desirable breed of canine. To help make your decision and hunt a little more channelled, we have detailed below key points to assist: Size Property, like animals come in all shapes and sizes. It may seem obvious but it […] Continue Reading

Top Tips to Avoid When Training a Puppy

It is incredible how many dog owners continue to introduce bad practices when training their pet. It not only slows the process but can leave lasting behaviour problems. We review the most common mistakes during training: Over use of treats As the term suggests that should be used sparingly and as a reward, not provided regularly simply for looking cute. […] Continue Reading

Top tips to train an overly energetic pup…

It can sometime seem that young dogs have endless amounts of energy and want to play, destroy and generally run riot 24/7. We have compiled a list of successful tips to keep you sane and train that cute puppy. Routine Dogs are just like people, they feel comfortable getting up at the same time, eating at the usual and heading […] Continue Reading

Preventing Chewing Around the Home

One of the most irritating and frustrating parts of owning a dog, especially young dogs is the challenge of biting and chewing your possessions. This often includes furniture, clothes (often socks!) and just about anything they can get their teeth into. We have listed our solutions to such a problem to help look after your home: It is more than […] Continue Reading

The Future of Dog Training

The processes of dog training have not changed much over the last century. If something works then why change it is argued by many trainers. However, as technology and dog understanding has developed new methods are being introduced. The Illusion Dog Collar & Leash System Training dogs on the lead is one of the hardest parts for many pet owners; […] Continue Reading

House Training your New Arrival

It is an exciting time waiting to bring home your new puppy and there is so much to think about when they settle in. It is important to start basic training as soon as possible and this includes toilet training. The last thing you want is to have little presents left all over the house, some of which might not […] Continue Reading

‘Baby-frying’ Your Dog

Respecting the Boundary between human and dog… It is fair and well accepting a dog into your family but many owners take it to ridiculous extremes. Identifying the difference between a child and a dog can be surprisingly difficult for many and has a direct impact on training and behaviour. The below are common mistake made by dog owners that […] Continue Reading

Protecting Your Dog at Night

As the winter nights set in and daylight walks come to an end, there are a number of important tips to adapting your canine to successful winter living. Consider some important training tips and get in a festive frame of thinking. Training Tips Winter is the best time to focus your dog on stopping at roadsides, crossing on command and […] Continue Reading

Understanding Your Dog

There are a number of ways to communicate with your dog, some simpler than others. We have reviewed a number of ideas to get in touch with your dog and listed them below: Listen to the bark Your canine will primarily talk to you via their bark. Different tones highlight their mood. For example short and varied barking often means […] Continue Reading

Training Steps for a new Puppy

Young K9s are inquisitive, eager and intrigued by almost everything. It is an excellent time to begin basic training and set them on their way to an in-house lifestyle. Before employing a professional trainer, get started with some basic principles: Toilet Training There are a number of approaches to teaching a young dog about carrying out their business. Many use […] Continue Reading