The Secret to training shy dogs…

It is all very well having strict training regimes for a dog but persuading a less outgoing animal to put themselves out there can be tough. There are a number of helpful tips to consider bringing your shy canine out of their shell:

Gently does it

Keeping patient and calm are great indicators for a dog that everything is ok. They are more likely to react to training if they are happy and settled in their environment.


Use treats to tempt shy dogs to move forward and enter into basic training. When they get started most dogs love it so the initial hurdle is the main issue to overcome.

Avoid busy areas

Take your dog to a quiet area and keep them away from other dogs and people. This will help keep them focused on the training you want to give them.

Lavish praise

When a shy dog does something really well, go overboard with the praise and really make them feel like a success. Simple things like this will get the tail wagging and the confidence up.

You can tell if your pet is stressed or anxious by visible body language. These signs include urinating, tale between the legs and whining. Always reassure your dog and remember, they are not as smart as us!

If you require further information on training shy pets, please contact us today for information and a friendly appointment.


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