Top Tips to Avoid When Training a Puppy

It is incredible how many dog owners continue to introduce bad practices when training their pet. It not only slows the process but can leave lasting behaviour problems. We review the most common mistakes during training:

Over use of treats

As the term suggests that should be used sparingly and as a reward, not provided regularly simply for looking cute. Dogs are smart and will learn that certain behaviours such as going to the toilet outside will result in a reward. Therefore it is common for them to jump outside and come straight back, resuming the position for a treat without evening attempting to go.

Ignoring bad behaviours

It is a tried and tested method with both children and puppies to turn a blind eye to certain bad behaviour but in the long run sometimes the dog is not simply looking for attention.
They may be looking for something to eat, chew or generally destroy so allowing them to carry on simply installs that what they are doing is acceptable.


Dogs love a reaction, even if it is negative so if you become overly upset and emotional about a behaviour it is likely to be repeated when they are acting up. Simply remain calm in front of the dog or buy a stress ball!


The biggest crime among dog owners is to treat the dog like a child. There are boundaries that need to be respected so be careful not to allow the dog to eat from your plate, sit where they please and enter your bed. Take control and understand the difference between love and humifying.


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