Top tips to train an overly energetic pup…

Top Tips For Puppy Training

It can sometime seem that young dogs have endless amounts of energy and want to play, destroy and generally run riot 24/7. We have compiled a list of successful tips to keep you sane and train that cute puppy.


Dogs are just like people, they feel comfortable getting up at the same time, eating at the usual and heading to bed like clockwork. This consistent patterned lifestyle will help settle your dog.

Varied Exercise

It is good to give puppies an active variety of exercise. This could be long woodland walks, sessions chasing the ball or even a run on the beach.

It is also useful to walk the dog in areas with lots of new smells and people, it helps make them familiar with the outside world and channel energy in a positive way.

Keep them stimulated

Being easily distracted, it is good to purchase games which require problem solving. Items such as treat balls, box puzzles and socks are great for training and development.


It has been proven that dogs with bad diets often find it difficult to relax and learn. This includes the intake of excessive colourings, human food and high sugar content treats. A balanced diet will ensure to keep your dog healthy in body and mind and let them focus more when it comes to training.


Allowing your puppy to play with other dogs, especially other youngsters, is a great method to burn off energy and let them understand the important rules of dog society.


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