Dog whistles have been up for debate for their animal humaneness for years, but they’re not necessarily bad for them. They have to be used properly, and in small bursts. It’s the same as having a loud sound unexpectedly blare next to you, and while that won’t necessarily cause harm, it’s a wake-up call. Here’s what you need to know about whistles and your dog.
Dogs Hear Higher Frequencies
They can hear frequencies up to twice that of humans. So while we don’t hear the whistles, your pooch becomes susceptible to the high sounds. If you’re using these to train your dog, you need to do it in short bursts to prevent any hearing issues that may arise.
It Can Prevent Bad Behaviour
There are methods all over the internet for how to train you dog to obey simple commands with your dog whistle. While you’re using these, your dog is essentially having their previous understanding of certain commands rewritten, or overridden.
Deaf Dogs Can Still Hear Them
A dog whistle is at such a high frequency that even a dog with acute hearing impairment can still hear its call. There are frequency-adjustable whistles set specifically for these situations. If you have a deaf dog, you’re already aware how difficult it is to train them on even the most simple of commands. This can actually be a great tool for training if used properly.
So is it harmful for your dog? The short-term answer is: yes, it can be. If you are a responsible owner and can properly use this tool without abusing it, you can see dramatic changes in your dogs behavior, ability to understand simple voice commands, and even more aspects of both of your lives. Just be sure to get an adjustable whistle if you think the frequency is hurting your pooch, but you still want to use it to train.