General Rules on Dog Training

“The greatest fear dogs know is the fear that you will not come back when you go out the door without them.” – Stanley Coren

Dogs can be named as man’s best friends, smartest animals, owners of our hearts, home keepers… We can add to these “definitions” whatever we want. But, first of all, we must understand that as much as we love them and sometimes treat them even like equal to us, dogs aren’t human. They are animals and they have different habits and way of life. People often make mistakes by thinking that they can control a dog’s behavior if they want to. It is not impossible, but it is necessary to understand that patience, love and perseverance are needed to succeed in training a dog.

In a short period, articles on specific areas related to training dogs will be available on our website, but now we will focus on the general rules that apply to the relationship established between you, as a dog owner and your dog as a pet.

If you want to teach your dog to follow your rules, first, you must show him that he can trust you. A lot of people use intimidation and punishment as “training method.” This is wrong for several reasons: first, it shows that the owner doesn’t know how to control his dog’s behavior without acting aggressive; second, there’s a chance that the dog can become aggressive, because he feels threatened and third, the owner can easily lose the trust he has built before. Opposite from this method and far more useful is the method of “giving rewards.” Most likely it is that the dog will be obedient, if his owner gives him a reward, after the dog has listened to an order. There are many other ways and areas of dog training, and we will talk about them in the next few articles.


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